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Enhance your riding experience with high-quality horse reins! Our reins offer great control, grip and a comfortable fit, allowing you to better guide your horse. Buy today and take the reins of your next adventure!

Enhance your riding experience with high-quality horse reins! Our reins offer great control, grip and a comfortable fit, allowing you to better guide your horse. Buy today and take the reins of your next adventure!

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Horse reins

Horse reins are important tools for communication and control between the horse and the rider. They allow the rider to guide the horse’s movement and also signal to the horse when the rider wishes to accelerate, slow down, stop or turn. There are many different kinds of horse reins, the most popular being full reins, english reins and leather reins.

Full reins consist of two reins connected by a single strap, while English reins have one longer rein per side, looped back on itself and attached with a buckled strap. Leather reins are classic and remain the most popular, but they can be difficult to clean and care for, which is why nylon and cotton are becoming increasingly popular choices.

Martingales for horses

Martingales are one of the oldest pieces of tack and are still popular today, particularly among show and pleasure horse riders. The main purpose of a martingale is to provide an additional safety measure for a horse, ensuring that the head stays at the correct height and position, even if the horse tries to put it down. It's especially helpful for young and/or inexperienced horses that may have difficulty finding the correct head carriage on their own.

Horse breastplate

A horse breastplate is a type of harness gear that is typically worn around the horse’s chest. Its primary purpose is to keep the saddle from shifting or sliding back, but it also can be used for added control. The design of a horse breastplate typically consists of a strap across the horse’s chest and two vertical straps on each side, one attached to the girth and one attached to the back of the saddle. Many horse breastplates also feature adjustable straps to ensure the best fit.

While a breastplate is often a matter of personal preference for both the rider and the horse, it can provide several benefits. It can be especially helpful when riding a high-energy or easily distracted horse. A horse breastplate will help to keep the saddle securely in place and give the rider more control, since it provides additional grip on the horse’s chest. In some cases, the straps can also offer an additional support point, which can be helpful when navigating obstacles.

Draw reins

Draw reins are an important piece of horse tack used to help horses find a balanced, soft frame while riding. The reins, when attached to a saddle, consist of two long leather or nylon straps that attach to the girth and the saddle, allowing riders to maintain an even, relaxed contact with their horses. 

Ultimately, draw reins allow riders to adjust their horse’s contact while they ride to improve their position and provide a comfortable experience.

Horse reins

Horse reins are important tools for communication and control between the horse and the rider. They allow the rider to guide the horse’s movement and also signal to the horse when the rider wishes to accelerate, slow down, stop or turn. There are many different kinds of horse reins, the most popular being full reins, english reins and leather reins.

Full reins consist of two reins connected by a single strap, while English reins have one longer rein per side, looped back on itself and attached with a buckled strap. Leather reins are classic and remain the most popular, but they can be difficult to clean and care for, which is why nylon and cotton are becoming increasingly popular choices.

Martingales for horses

Martingales are one of the oldest pieces of tack and are still popular today, particularly among show and pleasure horse riders. The main purpose of a martingale is to provide an additional safety measure for a horse, ensuring that the head stays at the correct height and position, even if the horse tries to put it down. It's especially helpful for young and/or inexperienced horses that may have difficulty finding the correct head carriage on their own.

Horse breastplate

A horse breastplate is a type of harness gear that is typically worn around the horse’s chest. Its primary purpose is to keep the saddle from shifting or sliding back, but it also can be used for added control. The design of a horse breastplate typically consists of a strap across the horse’s chest and two vertical straps on each side, one attached to the girth and one attached to the back of the saddle. Many horse breastplates also feature adjustable straps to ensure the best fit.

While a breastplate is often a matter of personal preference for both the rider and the horse, it can provide several benefits. It can be especially helpful when riding a high-energy or easily distracted horse. A horse breastplate will help to keep the saddle securely in place and give the rider more control, since it provides additional grip on the horse’s chest. In some cases, the straps can also offer an additional support point, which can be helpful when navigating obstacles.

Draw reins

Draw reins are an important piece of horse tack used to help horses find a balanced, soft frame while riding. The reins, when attached to a saddle, consist of two long leather or nylon straps that attach to the girth and the saddle, allowing riders to maintain an even, relaxed contact with their horses. 

Ultimately, draw reins allow riders to adjust their horse’s contact while they ride to improve their position and provide a comfortable experience.


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